Stone Cleaning

Due care and attention is a necessity when it comes to stone cleaning in old and historic buildings in Cornwall and this is where we, Leslie Cornell Building Restoration Ltd, can help you.


Cleaning stone can assist in the preservation of masonry by:

  • Removing layers of paint applications which can slow or stop the breathability of the masonry, thus causing decay due to excess moisture.
  • Appropriate cleaning methods can remove some of the harmful atmospheric deposits and help to slow down decay.
  • Existing damage, such as cracked or missing mortar joints, can be made visible by careful cleaning.
  • Removal of accumulations of paint may reveal all of the detailing, colour and textures of the existing stone.

In advance of cleaning stonework, there are many factors to consider when deciding if it is safe for the building stone to be cleaned.  Whilst taking the history of the building into consideration, we also make an assessment as to whether removing claddings and/or paint will have any detrimental effect on the masonry and other substrates.

There are many varieties of stone, brick and other materials used in old and historic buildings and walls in Cornwall, and this needs to be taken into account when choosing the appropriate methods for cleaning.


Some of the methods we use for stone cleaning are:

  • Paint Removal Systems – PeelAway 7: this product removes almost all types of existing paint and coating applications and it is safer and more user friendly than PeelAway 1 as it is non-caustic.  The PeelAway 7 system does not require neutralising and, if appropriate, a new paint system can be applied within a few hours.
  • Needlegun – This tool has a set of very fine chisels, known as needles, and its main advantage is that the needles automatically adjust themselves to the contours of the surface area.  If used with care, it can be very effective for removing unwanted materials.

There are alternative stone cleaning methods available.  If you require Stone Cleaning in Cornwall and would like to discuss your project, please Contact Us.

Stonework Cleaning Services Cornwall – Building Restoration Specialists Cornwall – Paint Removal Services Cornwall – Old Wall Cleaning Cornwall