Site Visits
In order for Leslie Cornell Building Restoration Ltd to accurately consider your requirements, we will undertake a Site Visit to all properties, from all enquiries.
On average, Leslie Cornell Building Restoration Ltd will visit 120 historic property’s per year - including historic boundary walls - and every visit is recorded with photographs. Information gathered is documented for our Continued Professional Development, within the Historic (Built) Environment, to support and recognise a greater depth of knowledge to Cornwall’s Heritage.

All [requested] Site Visits will be chargeable. Our Site Visit Tariffs are calculated on the distance from our office at PL25 3RF (direct) to the Property and the length of time spent on Site. Additional charges may apply (pro-rata) if we are required to collect keys from and/or return keys to Agents.
All Historic Buildings and Walls are of importance to us here at Leslie Cornell Building Restoration Ltd, so if you have any queries and/or require further information regarding Site Visits, please Contact Us.
Off-Shore Visits
With growing demand for our services off-shore, including the Isles of Scilly, site visits are not quite so straight forward as mainland appointments. However, we can facilitate all arrangements required.
For current tariffs please Contact Us.
Cob Wall Damp in Cornwall, Damp Wall Survey in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly, Cement Render Removal in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly, Lime Render Specialists in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly, Lime Pointing Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly, Cob Specialist in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly