Listed Buildings
In accordance with Section 8 of the (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990, Listed Buildings require special attention when repair, restoration or renovation works are to be undertaken. Any works carried out on a Listed Building should be professionally managed and implemented to a high standard of craftsmanship.
Any (non-emergency) works carried out on a Listed Building, first require Listed Building Consent

Owning a Listed Building in Cornwall does not necessarily mean absolute restriction or inflexibility regarding any necessary works. Historic England Planning directives will support [sympathetic] change and are realistic in their decision-making towards all appropriate Proposals. All Historic Buildings have their own characteristics, quirks and uniqueness and we, at Leslie Cornell Building Restoration Ltd, pride ourselves on identifying and preserving these fundamental values to the Historic Built Environment.

As Listed Building Specialist Contractors in Cornwall, we endeavour to bring these attributes to the forefront of all appropriate Listed Building Consent Applications and Listed Building projects.
We continue to work closely with Cornwall County Council and Historic England Planning (HEP) on all aspects of our Listed Building Consent Applications and Listed Building Projects.
Granting of Listed Building Consent is of course conditional, therefore each Application [prior to submission] requires extensive detailing to be included. In most cases HEP will request a:
- Site Location Map – Available on-line
- Heritage Design and Access Statement
- Architectural Drawing/s
In addition to the above, a Bat and Barn Owl Survey may be required. We received this letter from Planning and Sustainable Development Services – Cornwall Council (March 2017). Read here...
With numerous Listed Building Consent Applications granted by Cornwall Council Conservation and Historic England Planning, you can be assured that our knowledge, experience and expertise in Historic Building restoration is guaranteed.
Newman House Pic – Guest House – Grade II* Listed

We offer the following Listed Building Services in Cornwall:
- Full Historic Building Restoration ServicesFull Historic Building Restoration Services
- Listed Building Consent Applications
- Heritage Design and Access Statements
- Architectural Drawings and Plans
- Cob Surveys
- Principal Contractor Services

For examples of the work we have undertaken on Listed buildings, please view our Portfolio. If you have a Listed Building in Cornwall and require specialist advice, please Contact us.
Listed Building Specialist Cornwall – Listed Building Consent Cornwall – Heritage Assessment Cornwall - Listed Building Restoration Cornwall