Lime Pointing
Lime pointing in Cornwall on historic buildings is a subtle, yet long lasting Lime application that enhances the beauty of the stonework and maintains the breathability of the structure.
A Lime pointing application is introduced to act as a bedding between the stones or bricks. It is a breathable application that will prevent moisture penetration into the joints by allowing the wall to breath and drain. Lime is also a flexible application that allows for the movement and settlement of a building. Lime pointing applications can be introduced both internally
and externally.
And can be made to look as though it has been there for hundreds of years.
Over the years our portfolio of Cob, Brick and Stone-built Historic Building Restorations in Cornwall has grown and we have had success after success.
Our Lime pointing applications in Cornwall have even been required on interior floor cobbles in Cornwall.
To have a look at our completed Lime Pointing Projects and see what our Clients thought about the work we carried out for them, please view our Portfolio and Testimonials.