Published: 05 April 2021 05 April 2021
Hits: 40111 40111

The render on the front elevation of this historic Cob property in Truro was failing, with cracks and hollow/separation gaps apparent.

Lime Rendering Cob and Mineral Paint System Truro

Our works commenced with the careful removal of the existing render to expose the Cob beneath. We then removed the cast-iron rainwater goods for refurbishment, removed the existing facias for the installation of new and removed the existing paint applications from the existing Natural Slate sills.

The ensure the breathability of the building was maintained, we introduced a Natural Lime/sand 3-coat render application to the exposed Cob.

Lime Rendering Cob and Mineral Paint System Truro

Following appropriate drying times, we then painted the newly introduced Lime render with a breathable 4-stage Mineral Paint System.

Lime Rendering Cob and Mineral Paint System Truro

We supplied, primed, painted and installed new facias to the property and introduced new fixings for the guttering and downpipe. The refurbishment of the cast-iron rainwater goods included sanding, painting and the introduction of new gutter seals. On completion of the refurbishment we reinstated them.

Our Clients were extremely pleased with the finished results and provided us with a very kind Testimonial.

If you have a Lime Rendering in Cornwall project that you would like to discuss, please Contact Us.

Lime Rendering Cornwall – Lime Specialists Cornwall – Cob Specialists Cornwall – Breathability in Old Buildings Cornwall