Published: 13 August 2021 13 August 2021
Hits: 19854 19854

Cornish Lime Company

We've worked with Leslie Cornell Building Restoration Ltd for many years now and are delighted to supply them with their Lime and associated products.

Over the last few years we have spent time with Leslie and his Team at the Royal Cornwall Show where we both exhibit, and, despite supplying them with lots of materials throughout the year it's only at this event that we really get to see the evidence and better appreciate what they do, and do very well indeed.  We hope we'll meet again at this year's Show in June in the Countrywide Skills Area, where we will see what they have been up to over the last year.
Their speciality is for Cob buildings and we wholeheartedly congratulate them for the sterling works they have carried out over the years.  We applaud their passion and focus on this very traditional material that may appear simple to many, but Leslie and his Team, like Cornish Lime, know and appreciate the consequences of what can go wrong when even simple materials are treated inappropriately.  Leslie Cornell Building Restoration Ltd are Specialists in this area and we look forward to supplying them with materials and assisting in their future.

Cornish Lime Company