Published: 12 January 2017 12 January 2017
Hits: 6607 6607

Historic building fabrics do not perform in the same way as modern building materials. Repairs to historic buildings using impermeable applications can lead to deterioration of historic substrates.

Cement in Old Buildings Cornwall

Traditional constructed walls, or solid wall construction, typically used either a natural lime mortar and/or a clayey earth as the common binder. These mortars allow a degree of natural movement. When inflexible, cementitious materials are introduced to old walls, the underlying, historic building fabrics will continue to flex and move resulting in surface failings.

For further reading on inappropriate cement pointing please see link below:

Inappropriate Cement Pointing

Equally, an old solid wall constructed of brick, stone or cob needs to be able to breathe, and if cementitious materials are used, breathability cannot be achieved. In addition, excessive moisture content within the substrate will be trapped and can cause damp problems in old buildings in Cornwall.

Cement in Old Buildings Cornwall

For more information on damp in older buildings please take a look at the link below:

Damp in Older Buildings Cornwall

Cement has its uses and is a valued building material, although in historic buildings it could create irreversible damage. If you have an old historic building in Cornwall and require a site visit please contact us.

Leslie Cornell Building Restoration Ltd

Cement in Old Buildings Cornwall – Cement Pointing Removal Cornwall – Cement Render Cornwall – Damp in Walls Cornwall