Published: 13 July 2016 13 July 2016
Hits: 5858 5858


You…...What? I hear you ask.

YouTube -  a video sharing media platform first created in 2005.

In its most basic form, YouTube is a user based platform where people can add and watch videos of just about anything. You can also share and save videos to watch later and subscribe (follow) to certain channels (other people on YouTube) so that every time they upload (add) a new video YouTube will let you know.

There are over 1 billion unique users who visit YouTube and over six billion hours of video is watched each month.

Lots of ‘how to’ videos are available from ‘How to boil and egg’ to our very popular video ‘How to build a cob wallhere

Both businesses and individuals can post videos to YouTube, you find chefs uploading pictures of their favourite dish or our most recent slideshow of before and after shots here.

We find YouTube really exciting as it gives you a chance to see just what we are able to do. If you are wondering about Lime Pointing, you can watch a video here  or if you wanted to see how we would build using straw we would direct you here.

Leslie Cornell Building Restoration Ltd currently have over 40 videos uploaded to our YouTube channel but there seems little point in us telling you about it, you really need to see for yourself!

Simply click the play button.....


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